INCLOSURE 7 (Chronological Listing of Significant Events) to Combat Operations After Action Report – Montana Mustang – 080001H April 1971 – 111200H July 1971


17 May 1971


    170830H, YD365450. A/7th Engr. A front loader set off a dud 155mm round while setting up CP, blowing off right front wheel and damaging front hub - - negative casualties.


    170950H, XD916401. D/3-5. On VR a AH1G was hit by SAF, caught fire and was set down, other aircraft extracted pilots. 1 US WIA. Aircraft was destroyed by the fire and after area was cleared Arty was employed.


    171440H, XD087652. 1-61 visually found 1 TM-41 half buried in tank trail which had been there for some time. Mine was blown in place.


18 May 1971


    181210H, YD280401. C/1-11 took 6x 82mm rounds which landed in a mine field 50 meters from them. At 1538H they took 10-12 more rounds in the same area - - no casualties or damage. Arty was used with unknown results.


    181255H, YD257424. A D/3-5 scout took SAF from 4-5 personnel with 2 hits and negative casualties. Crew was extracted and ARPS inserted to secure the aircraft which was extracted at 1407H.


     182040H, YD112719. 2/A/4-12 spotted 3 personnel 50 meters from their position while on an 8-man ambush and engaged with M16 and M79 fire, the enemy were engaged with M16 and M79 fire to the South. 4.2” blocking fire was used to the West.


19 May 1971


    190100H, QTCB took 3x 122mm rockets, 1 in 5-4 Arty area and 2 in 1-61 area. A yellow alert was called and counterbattery fire was placed on SEL - - negative casualties or damage.


    190840H, YD252390. D/3-5 scout took AK-47 fire from 3-5 enemy with negative hits. Gunships engaged area with unknown results.


    192115H, YD131684. CP/A/4-12 took 3 unknown rounds of incoming - - 1 US WIA. No counterbattery fire.


20 May 1971


     201200H, YD092705. 1/A/1-77 visually spotted 1 TM-41 anti-tank mine which had been in the area some time and was destroyed in place. No recent area activity.


     201712H, YD135646. CP/1-61 took 10x 122mm rockets landing near or in the perimeter - - 2 US WIA. At the same time A-4 received 4 122mm rockets - - 1 US WIA. On second sighting D/3-5 engaged area and received SAF with negative hits.




[Webmaster: continued on 7-13]