INCLOSURE 7 (Chronological Listing of Significant Events) to Combat Operations After Action Report – Montana Mustang – 080001H April 1971 – 111200H July 1971 |
291830H, YD096641. 3/D/1-11 spotted 10 personnel 600 meters Northwest moving North and employed and adjusted Arty with unknown results. |
30 May 1971 |
301245H, YD087624. 1 person left 1/D/1-11 while on patrol and set off pressure detonated 155mm round - - 1 US KIA, 2 US WIA. |
301440H, YD263485. A/4-12. M113 set off a TM-41 mine with 4.2” round on top of it blowing off 2 roadwheels and damaging hull around sprocket. 4 US WIA. |
301645H, YD147506. Individuals from 1/C/1-11 set off a boobytrapped claymore mine - - 2 US WIA. |
31 May 1971 |
310730, YD084639 – 082638. 1/C/1-61 found 38 mines along sides of tank trail - - 34 TM-41 and 4 TM-46. Mines were destroyed in place. Dogs found 1 mine, mine detectors 2; the rest were spotted visually or by probing. Mines appeared to have been planted the previous night. |
311400H, YD246444. 1/B/1-11. Individual set off pressure detonated frag - - 1 US WIA. 3 other boobytraps were found - - 1 US frag with trip wire, 1 pressure detonated Chicom explosive and 1 clacker with wire strung to Chcom explosive. All were destroyed in place. |
311745H, YD114497. A/1-77. M48A3 hit 155mm round blowing off 2 roadwheels, arms and housings on left side - - negative casualties. Area was not swept prior to incident. Area swept after incident with negative results. |
1 June 1971 |
01080H, YD084639. C/1-61 visually spotted 2 TM-41 mines which were destroyed in place. They were thought to have been planted the previous night. |
011325H, YD335455. A/7th Engineers. While mine sweeping, an M113 set off pressure activated 155mm round blowing off 4 sets of roadwheels - - 1 US WIA. No recent area activity. |
011445H, YD311445. Bde Sec Plt. M113 hit pressure detonated 155mm round blowing off 3 sets of roadwheels and torsion bars - - negative casualties. |
011440H, YD051685. B/3-5 took 10 82mm rounds and 60mm rounds - - Arty returned fire on SEL. |
011445H, YD084639. C/1-61 took 2 RPG rounds from Southwest - - negative casualties. 81mm and Arty engaged YD083625 causing 1 secondary explosion. Area searched with negative results. |
7-16 |
[Webmaster: continued on 7-17] |