2LT John Carney




Courtesy of 

Fr. John Carney




From an October 2005 visit to Vietnam


To read the accompanying text from Fr. John's tour click here


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 View from my balcony

Ho Chi Minh Museum near


     the Saigon River





Saigon Traffic

Former Presidential Palace

Saigon now about 6 million people

Ho Chi Minh City [Saigon]

   It was 2 million in 1968






NVA/VC cemetery near Saigon.

Me on the right, next to the Perfume River

No cemeteries for ARVN dead, they were destroyed.

southeast of Hue




At a former Catholic church in Dong Ha

Bridge over the Ben Hai River,


Former boundary between North and South Vietnam



Massive military cemetery in Quang Tri

Bunker at Con Thien



Ho Chi Minh's Palace in Hanoi

(Ho slept in a small cottage in the rear)




Charles Ames


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