Donald D. Koepsel, 11C




Courtesy of


Don Koepsel




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Don Koepsel back in the

In the bush

  company area at Camp Roberts



Dave Berlincourt?

Don Koepsel left and Roy Hagen in the


distance and right of center



Don Koepsel crouching in

Don Koepsel center, Roy Hagen right

front of a Cobra AH1G



Heading out to the bush

 Taking a break

taken from another Huey

   Lamson 719




 Don Koepsel left, Roy Hagen right standing

Don Koepsel - Lunch time

Lamson 719

Lamson 719






FSB Anne

Our mortar dug into a buried


  garbage pit after extended firing





    Group photo of Mortarmen 11C




Charles Ames


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