Edward J. Oltmann, 11B




1969 - 1970


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Courtesy of


Edward Oltmann




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Then: Me in our luxury hooch at LZ Sharon

Now: Ed Oltmann September 2014





 John Racho with M-60 machinegun

 L - R: Scout, A LTC, LT Garrity, LT Wynn, MAJ Buckley



Cold weather and a field jacket

SGT Andriana and Joe Webb

 Diesel burning the latrine contents in rear



Cold weather with a field jacket

"Doc" Caron and me




Dan Rohman with M-60

L - R: Blackstock, Little and Ronnie Allen







Resupply helicopter

Steve Costello with captured weapon


 and a Remington sniper rifle with scope



"Blessed Mother" monument made from mud and clay

Catholic church





Charles Ames


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